Interest Groups’ Attitude Towards Lobbying Regulation in Latin America
lobbying, interest groups, institutionalization, public interest, Latin AmericaAbstract
The lobbying regulation issue activities is a characteristic feature of emerging economies. Latin America have faced with the problem of lobbying institutionalization. Lobbying as an integral part of free market affects the interests of various social groups. They, in turn, can influence on consolidation of formal lobbying institutions. The growing public demand for transparency and accountability of public authorities in Latin America makes the lobbying regulation issue an acute topic of public discussion and a subject of controversy between various political forces and interest groups. This study is aimed at identifying the key interest groups’ attitude towards the issue of formalizing lobbying in Latin America. The study reveals the views of the main interest groups on the transition informal practices to the legal regulation of lobbying in the region. The inclusion of political decision-makers and general public in the number of interest groups make it possible to characterize the influence of socio-political forces on the process of lobbying institutionalization in Latin America.
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