Political Institutions in Laodicea on the Sea and its District During the Roman Time





Laodicea in Syria, magistrates, Syria, urban tradition, city council


The paper is devoted to summarizing of extant information about political life in Laodicea on the Sea (modern Latakia) during the Roman time. The work represents a part of a comprehensive research of Laodicea and set goal to characterize and describe features of its political life. As the main sources the author uses data provided by epigraphic, rule and ancient narrative. All of them require a special approach to work with them but provide valuable data. In the first part of the work is carried out the analysis of Laodicean citizenship, then is characterized the work of collegial management bodies in the city. Then the relation between Laodicea and central management bodies of the province and the empire is discussed. In the last part of the paper the list of city magistrates and their duties is described. The author comes to the conclusion that the developed system of political institutions in Laodicea was a significant requirement to allocate the area centered in the city and create there a new province (Theodorias).

Author Biography

Vladimir M. Kirillov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg

Lecturer of the Department of History, National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg, Russia


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How to Cite

Kirillov, V. M. (2023). Political Institutions in Laodicea on the Sea and its District During the Roman Time. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(3), 572-580. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0967-2023-50-3-572-580



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