Boeotian Subtype of Classical Polis and Plataia as its Representation («Subculture» in Terms of Development «City-State Culture» Concept of M. Hansen)




Plataia, Hansen, Boeotia, classical polis, polis culture, city-state culture


The paper describes the “city-state culture” concept of Mogens Herman Hansen. The author lists and translates characteristics (mentioned by danish scholar) which are required for the historical settlement (and their groups) to be named “city state culture”. Based on them, Hansen distinguish 37 different cultures (or types of civic organization). Among them could be found both archaic and classical ancient greek communities – both as specific and particular types of culture. The author of this paper pays specific attention to the period of classical Greece, when at the same time trying to develop an addition for the Hansen’s typologization. The main point of this amendment is to present the idea of “city-state culture” division into “city-state subcultures” (in other words: types into subtypes). Moreover, the author tries to define which criteria is the main one for separation of city-states into different groups. Plataea is a special point of interest for the author so data gathered from narrative sources about this boiotian polis is used as an example for a subdivision mentioned in the paper.


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Author Biography

Vladislav S. Korenyak, Demidov Yaroslavl State University

graduate student of the Department of General History, Faculty of History, Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia


Список источников

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Abstract views: 85




How to Cite

Korenyak, V. S. (2023). Boeotian Subtype of Classical Polis and Plataia as its Representation («Subculture» in Terms of Development «City-State Culture» Concept of M. Hansen). Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(3), 561-571.



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