X-15 vs Sputnik: The Space Theme in the U.S. and Soviet Exhibit Diplomacy of 1959





space race, propaganda, USA, USSR, exhibition, Cold War


The two rival superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, were both actively using space-related narratives in their propaganda efforts during the Cold War. The exchange of national exhibitions, which took place in 1959 (the Soviet exhibit in New York City and the American one in Moscow), thus became a suitable site for displaying nations’ achievements in the space race. Due to the earlier launch of Sputnik in October 1957, the Soviet Union was a step ahead of the United States for years. Nevertheless, the U.S. as a “catching up” nation at the beginning of the space race, deliberately diverted the attention of Soviet visitors to the American exhibition in Moscow from the space theme, albeit did not ignore it. Such behavior can be explained in part by the Eisenhower administration's cautious approach to the national space program. Besides, the U.S. Information Agency was trying to fill the gap in space with a demonstration of the prosperity of the American consumer society.

Author Biography

Alexey E. Fominykh, Mari State University

PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor at the Department of Intercultural Communication, Mari State University,
Yoshkar-Ola, Russia


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How to Cite

Fominykh, A. E. (2023). X-15 vs Sputnik: The Space Theme in the U.S. and Soviet Exhibit Diplomacy of 1959. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(2), 503-514. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0967-2023-50-2-503-514



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