Thomas Hill’s Advice to Gardeners in England of the XVI – Early XVII Century: a Treatise «The Arte of Gardening»




England, XVI century, English garden, Thomas Hill, a treatise, «The arte of gardening»


The paper analyzes the text of Thomas Hill’s treatise «The arte of gardening», where he shares his reasoning about what gardening is. In his opinion, gardens were an important part of the life of his compatriots. He believes that his advice will contribute to the success of this activity. His treatise consists of two books. They give recommendations on the arrangement of the garden and on the cultivation of plants: garden and green plants, spicy and medicinal herbs, flowers. Thomas Hill gives recommendations on growing exclusively local plants, paying special attention to their beneficial properties. From our point of view, the second book of his treatise is the most interesting. It is devoted to the description and methods of growing different plants. In addition, it describes the properties of these plants and the scope of their application. The author of the article believes that Thomas Hill himself was confident in the usefulness of his advice collected in this treatise. The repeated republication of Thomas Hill’s essay testifies to the popularity of his publication. According to the text of «The arte of gardening» by Thomas Hill, you can imagine a detailed layout of the garden, find out the assortment of plants that could be grown in the gardens of the British XVI–XVII centuries.

Author Biography

Marina V. Tretyakova, The National Research State University of Nizhny Novgorod after N.I. Lobachevsky, Arzamas branch

Candidate of Historical sciences, docent of the Department of History, Social Science and Law, The National Research State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Arzamas branch,
Arzamas, Russia


Список источников

Hill Th. 1608. The arte of gardening. London: Imprinted by Edward Allde, 164.

Hill Th. 1608. The arte of gardening. London, Imprinted by Edward Allde, 292.

Hill Th. 1577. The Gardener’s Labyrinth. London: Printed by H. Bynneman, 1577. 289. The second part has separate divisional title page and pagination / 88+ 186 =274.

Hill Th. 1563. A most briefe and pleasaunte treatise teachying how to dress, sowe, and set a garden [London: By Thomas Marshe], 136.

Hill Th. 1593. The profitable art of gardening. London: Imprinted by Edward Allde, 164.

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Список литературы

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Abstract views: 42




How to Cite

Tretyakova, M. V. (2023). Thomas Hill’s Advice to Gardeners in England of the XVI – Early XVII Century: a Treatise «The Arte of Gardening». Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(2), 355-363.



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