Saudi Arabia’s «Mosque Diplomacy»: is there a Room for Religion in XXI Century?




mosque diplomacy, soft power, public diplomacy, Saudi Arabia, religion in international relations, educational and religious projects


The article analyzes the role of religion in the Saudi Arabia foreign policy discourse, the use of religious tools to achieve the goals and realize the national interests of the country, increase its role and significance in the international area. Religion is seen as a tool of Saudi Arabia's soft power, allowing the formation of a certain image of the state. The author draws attention to the existing educational projects and their religiosity. At the same time, the activities of the Saudi government – in particular, the construction of mosques - are considered by a number of states as support for terrorism, which forces them to look for new ways to spread religious teachings. The author draws attention to the fact that the policy of the Saudis is bearing fruit and allows us to talk about the homogenization of Islam and a change in the balance in favor of Wahhabism, previously not recognized as one of Islamic trends. The conclusion about the serious significance of the religious aspect in the political arena, as well as its effectiveness as a tool for achieving foreign policy goals is made.

Author Biography

Ani A. Markosyan, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD student, history of international relations and foreign policy, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia


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Abstract views: 96




How to Cite

Markosyan, A. A. (2023). Saudi Arabia’s «Mosque Diplomacy»: is there a Room for Religion in XXI Century?. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(1), 277-285.



Topical issues of political science