Values of Sovereignty in Times of Change and Upheaval: Russia, China, USA




sovereignty, political values of sovereignty, multipolarity, hegemony, subjectivity


Globalization as a factor of erasing national and ethnic differences between peoples and territorial borders between States has now begun to move into its opposite – deglobalization. The new normality primarily concerned the state as a political organization of power that exists within certain borders and independently determines its internal and foreign policy, i. e., it has subjectivity and sovereignty. And if, in the conditions of the global world order, many states have voluntarily or forcibly lost their independence and political subjectivity, then deglobalization, as events show, is able to reverse this process. Hence, the countries that are struggling to preserve their subjectivity on the world stage and independence in internal and external affairs are of interest: Russia, China, the United States. These states, which have become poles of attraction for many countries, defend their sovereignty in different ways.Having found themselves in the center of the struggle for the formation of the future world order, they are trying to determine their place and their role in it, because their existence as independent subjects of politics depends on it. Their ideas about their own sovereignty are based on values that develop mentally and historically, therefore they may differ and contradict each other. Hence, the purpose of the article is a comparative analysis of the political values of the sovereignty of Russia, China, the United States, and the main tasks: research and analysis of the identified value dominants. The main research methods were comparative and analytical. The conclusions drawn in the article indicate that it is impossible at the present time to bring the positions of the United States and the Russian Federation closer due to the complete discrepancy in the value political attitudes of these countries, different understanding of their own independence and independence, which means the continuation of confrontation between the parties.Unfortunately, this shakes up the system of international relations and norms, making the world unstable for a long time. Secondly, they allow us to better understand the rapprochement between Russia and China as political partners and at the same time assess the different views of both powers on certain international events.

Author Biography

Larisa V. Koroleva, Moscow City Pedagogical University

Associate Professor of the University-wide Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia


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Abstract views: 82




How to Cite

Koroleva, L. V. (2023). Values of Sovereignty in Times of Change and Upheaval: Russia, China, USA. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(1), 249-257.



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