Terrorist Activity of Anarchists in the Orel Province at the Beginning of the XX Century
anarchism, political terror, expropriations, the First Russian Revolution, BryanskAbstract
The work examines the activities of anarchists on the territory of the Orel province at the beginning of the XX century. The article touches upon the history of the activities of anarchist organizations during the First Russian Revolution of 1905–1907 and the subsequent years of the political struggle of the left radicals up to 1910. The subject of the study is precisely the terrorist and expropriation activities of anarchists in the region during this period. Special attention is paid to the successful fight of the Gendarmerie Department against terrorists. The analysis of the number of anarchists in the region is carried out. A brief description of the political situation of the province in the period under study is given. The scientific novelty of the study is based on the disclosure of the regional activities of the anarchist movement during the First Russian Revolution and the subsequent government reaction. The list of the most significant terrorist acts of anarchists in the province is presented. In the results of the study, we came to the conclusion that, in the Orel province, anarchists widely used the tactics of individual terror in their political struggle, the victims of terror were mainly local merchants, manufacturers, employees of the Gendarmerie Department. The center of the anarchist movement became the Bryansk district, where at different periods there were two fairly large and significant organizations.
Список источников
Донесения помощников начальника Орловского ГЖУ, исправников и др. об убийствах жандармов и полицейских, экспроприациях, пожарах. Государственный архив Орловской области (далее – ГАОО) Ф. 883. Оп. 1. Д. 396.
Дело о Говнякове А.М., обвиняемом в принадлежности к партии анархистов. ГАОО Ф. 883. Оп. 1. Д. 401.
Обзор деятельности Орловского организации РСДРП и партии эсеров с 1 октября 1906 г. до 1 апреля 1907 г., списки членов партии РСДРП и партии эсеров по Орловской губернии. ГАОО. Ф. 883. Оп. 1. Д. 461.
Циркуляры Департамента полиции о деятельности партии анархистов-коммунистов и о розыске ее членов. ГАОО Ф. 883. Оп. 1. Д. 473.
Дело об аресте членов Брянской группы партии анархистов-коммунистов. ГАОО. Ф. 883. Оп. 1. Д. 577.
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