
  • K. Demidova Autonomous Non-Profit Organization «Agency for development of domestic tourism»




British foreign policy, diplomacy, United Kingdom, dynastic interests, Hanover


The article analyzes the first steps of George I in the foreign policy. The author puts forward the next problem: how, as traditional historiography claims, the dynastic interests of the Hanoverian dynasty disagreed with the foreign policy interests of Britain itself, or it's more of a far-fetched idea by its opponents. It is considered what actions on the international scene George I took in the early years of his rule, and how they ideologically coincided with the discussions of the Tories and the Whigs about the possible interaction of England with the states of the continent even before the advent of а new dynasty to the power. Relations with Britain's old allies in the war of the Spanish succession, the Republic of the United Provinces and the Holy Roman Empire, as well as relations with France, Sweden and Russia, are demonstrated. Diplomatic efforts on the part of the British government in relation to James III are revealed. It is shown that the foreign policy of George I was aimed at maintaining the balance of power in Europe, which was followed by the government of Anna Stuart.


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How to Cite

Demidova, K. (2020). DYNASTIC INTERESTS OF HANOVERIANS ON THE CONTINENT IN THE CONTEXT OF BRITISH FOREIGN POLICY UNDER GEORGE I. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 47(2), 285-290. https://doi.org/10.18413/2687-0967-2020-47-2-285-290



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