Antiquity in the Concepts of Nation-Building in Interwar Europe: the Ideology of the I. Metaxas Regime in Greece (1936–1941)




Greece, Ioannis Metaxas, Greek nationalism, antiquity, the «Fourth of August» regime


Antiquity as a concept of nation-building in Central and Eastern Europe, especially in the interwar period, is of great interest as a phenomenon of the reception of antiquity. This article reveals the reasons for the treatment of the regime of I. Metaxas to the ancient past of his state. At the beginning of the XX century. among the Greek intelligentsia there were ideas about the uniqueness of the Greek nation in terms of creating two civilizations at once – the ancient, and then the Byzantine. While new ideologies – Nazism, fascism – were gaining strength in Europe, the Greek government was looking for its own distinctive path, since the chances of realizing the «Great Idea» became negligible by 1922, and the liberalism of Prime Minister E. Venizelos collapsed in 1929. Therefore, it was important for Ioannis Metaxas to find a support for his regime, which would be based on traditions, virtues, ideals and heroes of the legendary ancient past. The «third Greek civilization» has become such an ideology.

Author Biography

Maria G. Sapozhnikova, Belgorod National Research University

 assistant of the Department of World History, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Sapozhnikova, M. G. (2023). Antiquity in the Concepts of Nation-Building in Interwar Europe: the Ideology of the I. Metaxas Regime in Greece (1936–1941). Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(1), 84-92.



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