The Features of the Formation of the Ukrainian Political Elite




political elite of Ukraine, political crisis, oligarchy, political and economical groups, Russian-Ukrainian relations


The article considers the problematic aspects of the genesis of Ukrainian political elite, as well as the issues of its relations and synthesis with the main financial and industrial groups of the country. The purpose of the research is to reveal the key features of the formation and evolution of the political elite of Ukraine, which determined the nature of its political activity. The research is based upon a set of sources, including laws, regulatory documents, autobiographical materials, research working papers and reviews. In addition, the sociological data have been analyzed. In context of the analysis of political activities carried out by the political elite of Ukraine, the status and functional approach have been used. In this regard, the concept of political elite is considered as group of people with certain capital and administrative resources that united by a number of common interests: the desire to possess the levers of real power, and after receiving them – the desire to maintain a monopoly on this power. In addition the main characteristics of the political elite of Ukraine which determined the low efficiency of its political activity have been examined, including nepotism, political procrastination and tribalism. In the result of research under consideration the set of inferences was given. The key feature of political power in Ukraine is the system of clan-based oligarchic capitalism with strong connection and synthesis of government with political and economical groups (especially financial and industrial groups). The mentioned feature resulted in impossibility of developing and implementing a long-term strategy for state building and social transformations. The policies conducted by Ukrainian political elite have determined the crisis vector of social and political transformations. In addition, they have created the preconditions for social split and territorial fragmentation of Ukraine.

Author Biography

Kirill V. Ivankov, V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol

 Postgraduate Student, Chair of Political Sciences and International Affairs, Taurida Academy (Structural Unit), V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Ivankov, K. V. (2022). The Features of the Formation of the Ukrainian Political Elite. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 49(4), 924-934.



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