Left Populism and the Political Legacy of Eurocommunism





historical compromise, progressive democracy, neoliberalism, socialism, ideology


Contemporary left-populist parties are often referred to as the 'new left', which emerged as a response to the crisis of democracy and neoliberal reforms. At the same time, parties on this ideological spectrum often reproduce the political strategy of twentieth-century Eurocommunist parties. An analysis of left-wing populism sets out to examine the differences between the "right-wing" and "left-wing" versions of populism. Based on the political declarations of twentieth-century Eurocommunist parties and contemporary radical left-wing movements, a comparative analysis of the discursive strategies of European left-wing parties at different stages of their development is undertaken. The article analyses the key ideological and programmatic positions of left-wing populism and the impact of Eurocommunism on the current political strategy of contemporary left-wing populist parties in Europe. The article also attempts to forecast the development of left populist parties in the light of their political practices.

Author Biography

Pavel N. Katorzhevskij, Saint Petersburg State University

Postgraduate student in the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Politics at Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Katorzhevskij, P. N. (2022). Left Populism and the Political Legacy of Eurocommunism. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 49(4), 898-905. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0967-2022-49-4-898-905



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