Origen, origenian disputes, the pre-existens of souls, reincarnation, Fifth Ecumenical Council, the school of AlexandriaAbstract
The article analyzes the issues of condemnation of the doctrine of Origen. The analysis of the topic of the research based on the works of church historians Socrates Scholasticus, Evagrius Scholasticus, ecclesiastical writer Jerome of Stridonium, antiheretic Epiphanius of Salamis, Photius I of Constantinople and on the works of Origen. On the basis of historical facts, the authors showed that in the time of life of Origen his doctrine had never been condemned in connection with any of its provisions. However, in the V–VI centuries denunciation of Origen have begun to emerge among Christian theologists. Certain preconditions of the beginning of the condemnation was that Origen himself ambiguously had suggested that souls transmigrate to another body according to their deeds in a previous life. Originally, although indirectly, he adhered to reincarnation, but later he had begun to criticized this concept, this has given rise to accusation from his opponents. Opponents proved that Origen had adhered to the pre-existence of soul based on the Origen’s works, for example, «On the First Principals». Furthermore, as reflected in the article, liberal interpretations of ideas of Origen by representatives of various heretical currents had distorted numerous provisions of his doctrine, which had been referred to by himself in the time of his life. The origenian disputes had been especially true in VI century at two Ecumenical Councils, that took place in Constantinople in 543 and 553 at the initiative of Justinian the Great. In addition, the authors note that none of Ecumenical Councils has condemned the doctrine of Origen.
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