The Middle East Region Specificity as International Relations Subsystem in the End of the Cold War




USSR, USA, Middle East, Cold War, international relations


This article is dedicated to the Middle East specificity study as international relations subsystem in the end of the XX century. This region was a periphery for the US-USSR clash. After the World War Two the Middle East faced the collapse of colonial empires, many countries gained independence. Alongside that, this region slowly entered the bipolar clash system; many countries had to choose either the United States or the Soviet Union’s sides. Started with the Arab-Israeli conflict in 1948, the Middle Eastern region suffered from many internal and external conflicts, based on religious ethnic, political or ideological grievances. Using the historical-comparative approach it was proved, that many conflicts in the Middle East were caused by its unique historical process and authenticity. The Soviet Union and the United States did not cause these conflicts, but both superpowers tried to use these in their interests. The end of the Cold War didn’t lead to crucial changes across the region, but reinforced the Unites States as the only post-Cold War superpower.

Author Biography

Artyom V. Gofman, Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Junior Research Fellow, Department for the Study of Israel and Jewish Communities, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


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Abstract views: 255




How to Cite

Gofman, A. V. (2022). The Middle East Region Specificity as International Relations Subsystem in the End of the Cold War. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 49(3), 586-594.



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