The christening of Elizabeth Tudor: one day of the royal ceremony


  • Svetlana S. Mednis The State Hermitage museum



Elizabeth Tudor, English Court, the royal christening, the court ceremonies, ritual of power, baptism


The royal christening of Elizabeth Tudor is comprehensive ceremonial spectacle with the complex of the symbols and rites. This ceremony based on the Blessing and Christian Church inclusion as an important feature in the life and legitimation of the royal child. The ritual destines the Elizabeth Tudor’s royal status, dynastic role and privileges. The christening ceremony comprises the traditional Catholic forms. The Sarum Rite demonstrates the ecclesiastical and administrative patters of the sacramental ritual. The royal baptism involves the symbolic secular performance and represents the princess and her crowned family. The richest royal attributes and insignias complete the baptismal spectacle: family silver font, silver-gilt basins, baptismal candle and saltcellar. The rites and rituals of the royal christening have similar elements with coronation order such as the unction, receiving the sacramental gown and oblation. In addition, we can say about the grand public processions enhance this royal ceremony. Finally, the rituals of the christening of Elizabeth Tudor emphasize the private aspects and genealogy of the dynastic ceremonial roles at the English court of the second half of the XVI century.

Author Biography

Svetlana S. Mednis, The State Hermitage museum

research assistant, The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia

ORCID: 0000-0002-7575-9607


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How to Cite

Mednis, S. S. (2022). The christening of Elizabeth Tudor: one day of the royal ceremony. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 49(2), 311-321.



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