Treaty Making in the British Commonwealth and the Commonwealth of Independent States: Theory and Practice


  • Ilya V. Medvedev Tver State University



public international law, institutions for the integration of national economies, the Commonwealth, the CIS, the EAEU, Russia, divorce institutions of national economies


The study is devoted to a comparative analysis of international law in the British Commonwealth of Nations and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Both of these organizations have a difficult history and relationships between its members. Conceived as institutions of «Divorce» within the framework of the disintegration of national economies, these supranational institutions have much in common. The collapse and decline of the British colonial empire, as well as the collapse of the USSR, required a total revision of all spheres of the newly created national economies and the creation of new institutions for regulating relations between the new sovereign states. At present, these supranational organizations have become not just a «temporary» solution to the problems that have arisen, but also received their further development as full-fledged subjects of international law. The aim of the work is to find common ground between Organizations that will be useful for improving the quality of formal institutions that regulate integration processes between national economies. The theoretical basis of the study is the study of Organizations using an institutional approach to the study of integration processes between states. The research sources were the scientific works of economists in the field of international integration and legal scholars in the field of international law.

Author Biography

Ilya V. Medvedev, Tver State University

graduate student, Department of Economic Theory, Institute of Economics and Management, Tver State University, Tver, Russia


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How to Cite

Medvedev, I. V. (2022). Treaty Making in the British Commonwealth and the Commonwealth of Independent States: Theory and Practice. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 49(1), 227-238.



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