Agitation and propaganda support for the recruitment of women for forced labor in Germany from the occupied territory of the Byelorussian SSR in 1941–1943


  • Elena A. Pushkarenko Belgorod National Research University



German propaganda, gender aspect, recruitment, the Great Patriotic War, occupation policy, the General District of Belarus, V. Kube, the phenomenon of Belarusian women's collaboration


The article examines the issue of agitation and propaganda support for the recruitment of women for forced labor in Germany from the occupied territory of the Belarusian SSR in 1941–1943. The research based on the materials of the General District of Belarus. The purposes of the work are to analyze the content of German propaganda for women, to identify its goals, to determine its effectiveness, to compare it with the real policy of the occupation authorities. The study was conducted on the basis of propaganda materials and regulations of the German occupation authorities. The main sources of the work were the documents of the National Archive of the Republic of Belarus, as well as a number of scientific studies. The author believes that the actualization of the «women's issue» in German propaganda did not bring the expected results to the occupation authorities: both participation in so-called public organizations (collaborationist) and the nature of recruitment actions were overwhelmingly forced. The factors that significantly reduce the effectiveness of propaganda and agitation were the methods of combating partisans (bush-fighters) practiced by the SS and SD forces, punitive expeditions against civilians in the partisan zones, the violent nature of mobilization to work in Germany, the obvious discrepancy between the content of propaganda and the realities of occupation life.

Author Biography

Elena A. Pushkarenko, Belgorod National Research University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General History of Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 107




How to Cite

Pushkarenko, E. A. (2022). Agitation and propaganda support for the recruitment of women for forced labor in Germany from the occupied territory of the Byelorussian SSR in 1941–1943. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 49(1), 175-185.



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