The transformation of the Tula teacher's institute in the first years of Soviet power


  • Oleg I. Volkov Тульский государственный университет



Tula Higher Pedagogical Institute, education, liquidation of illiteracy, labor school, Soviet power


The article deals with the transformation of the Tula Teachers' Institute into a higher pedagogical educational institution after 1917. This reform was one of the first to create the Soviet education system. The study reveals the structure of the Tula Higher Pedagogical Institute, its activities in the early stages of its formation. The success of the education system depends, first of all, on qualified teaching staff who can fulfill the task assigned to them by the state. In this regard, the transformation of the Tula Teachers' Institute after 1917 is a hot topic at the present time, since the experience gained in the creation of higher pedagogical educational institutions in the first post-revolutionary years can be of some value for the current structural changes in the education system of the Russian Federation. The Tula Pedagogical Institute became the first institution of higher education in the city after 1917, where teachers were trained. It became a forge for the training of teachers for Tula and the Tula province at a difficult time in the creation of a new education system. In addition to the obvious tasks of training specialists for labor schools, educational institutions of a new type, the institute also plans to train specialists in the field of out-of-school education. Their main task is to organize the process of eliminating illiteracy among the adult population throughout the Tula province, which was one of the main problems for the Soviet government in the first post-revolutionary years. The large shortage of teaching staff that arose after the revolutionary events of 1917 had to be filled with new specialists, who became the students of the new higher pedagogical educational institution.

Author Biography

Oleg I. Volkov, Тульский государственный университет

Post-Graduate Student of the Department of History of State and Law, Tula State University, Tula, Russian Federation


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Abstract views: 89




How to Cite

Volkov, O. I. (2022). The transformation of the Tula teacher’s institute in the first years of Soviet power. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 49(1), 151-162.



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