The formation and evolution of the symbolism of the European Order attire and its influence on the development of elite noble national culture


  • Vladimir S. Kulabukhov Belgorod National Research University
  • Denis V. Rudjukov Belgorod National Research University



order, cavaliers, cultural history, nobility, noble culture, Renaissance, Middle Ages, Modern times, France, knightly order, attire, insignia


The status of order cavalier meant both inclusion in a wide range of privileged nobility, and, first of all, a new round in the development of the system of ideas about the role of the nobility in state policy at its various levels. The external and internal features of the status of the cavalier were filled with completely different symbolic and semantic connections with previous historical periods, its legal status and their cultural and political significance. Accordingly, the symbolic and semantic features of the development of order insignia (in particular, order attire) developed in different ways throughout the entire process of their evolution and interacted to varying degrees with certain aspects of political and elite culture. This article discusses the process of becoming, the symbolic meaning and evolution of the order attire and its gradual loss as an order insignia and its significance as a cultural phenomenon by the Russian history and by the elite noble culture of 18-19th century.

Acknowledgements: The work is carried out with the support of the State Museum-Reserve «Tsaritsyno» and thanks to the invaluable help of an art critic, candidate of art history, associate professor of the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography and collector M.M. Trenikhin, researcher at the Tsaritsyno State Museum-Reserve.

Author Biographies

Vladimir S. Kulabukhov, Belgorod National Research University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Russian History and Documentation, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

Denis V. Rudjukov, Belgorod National Research University

Bachelor Student of History and Philology Faculty, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 142




How to Cite

Kulabukhov, V. S., & Rudjukov, D. V. (2022). The formation and evolution of the symbolism of the European Order attire and its influence on the development of elite noble national culture. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 49(1), 97-111.



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