Relations of the USSR and the USA in the doctrine of national security and the principles of «distribution of democracy»


  • Natalia V. Korolkova Belgorod National Research University



spread of democracy, cold war, confrontation between the USSR and the USA, international relations, local conflicts, Reagan


The article examines the application of the US strategy of «spreading democracy» within the framework of the national security doctrine of the Reagan administration. The inversion between the militaristic and «soft» components of this strategy is shown. Ronald Reagan viewed US foreign policy in line with the messianic concept, according to which the United States was called to be a savior nation and fight evil around the world. Reagan considered regional conflicts to be generated from the outside, because of the intrigues of the communist regime of the USSR, which he considered the main world evil, with which it was necessary to fight and cleanse the world of it. In the Soviet-American relations in the 1980s, there was a tough confrontation, as a result of which the USSR was defeated in the Cold War.

Author Biography

Natalia V. Korolkova, Belgorod National Research University

Postgraduate Student, Department of World History, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 129




How to Cite

Korolkova, N. V. (2022). Relations of the USSR and the USA in the doctrine of national security and the principles of «distribution of democracy». Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 49(1), 90-96.



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