Development trends of mirrors and metal decorations in the context of the ethnopolitical history of Kuban in the Roman period


  • Valery Yu. Kononov LLC «Crimean Regional Center for Archaeological Research»



Meots, Sarmatians, Kuban region, Late Antiquity, Bosporus, decorations, mirrors


The article examines the problem of the development of mirrors and decorations in the Sarmatian-Meotian burials in the Kuban in the Roman period. The connection between the evolution of jewelry and the historical, as well as ethno-political development of the Kuban is shown. The features of the shape, structure and material of mirrors, bracelets, temple rings, earrings, finger rings, torcs and other adornments of the Sarmatians and Meots in Roman period are analyzed. Meotian ground burial burials prevailed over the Sarmatian burial mounds, but at the same time, the Sarmatian burials continued to be richer, like the burials of the social elite of the tribes in the Kuban. Their connection with the socio-political development of the region has been established. The main tendencies of the socio-political structure are considered and the links with the Bosporus state and other tribes are determined. The reasons for the death of Sarmatian and Meotian settlements in the 3rd century are revealed.

Author Biography

Valery Yu. Kononov, LLC «Crimean Regional Center for Archaeological Research»

Senior Scientific Researcher of «Crimean Regional Center for Archaeological Research» Resp. of Crimea, Simferopol, Russia


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How to Cite

Kononov, V. Y. (2022). Development trends of mirrors and metal decorations in the context of the ethnopolitical history of Kuban in the Roman period. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 49(1), 57-63.



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