Hannibal Barca is a military theorist


  • Alexander K. Nefedkin Belgorod National Research University; journal Para Bellum




ancient military theory, Hannibal, Nicephorus Uranus


In the title «Tactics» by Nicephorus Uranus (ca. 950 to after 1007), a work of Hannibal is mentioned among the various sources of Uranus’ book. Probably, this Hannibal’s work could be the strategy of an experienced general or naumachia, or even poliorcetica according to the subjects. All these topics are «Tactics» by Nicephorus Uranus. Elderly Hannibal in his exile (186–183 B. C.) did not have enough time to compose an extensive work, it is probably was a short work, perhaps even in the form of a letter. Uranus may have become acquainted with this rare Hannibal’s essay when he was secretary to the Emperor Basil II Porphyrogenitus (976–1025) in Constantinople and could use the state archives (before 980 to 997). Along with Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Frederick the Great and Napoleon, Hannibal is considered as one of the best military leaders in European history. Since it is clear that the elderly Hannibal in exile did not have enough time to compose an extensive work, then most likely it was a rather short essay, maybe even in the form of a letter.

Author Biography

Alexander K. Nefedkin, Belgorod National Research University; journal Para Bellum

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher of Research Laboratory of Historical Anthropology, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, science editor of Para Bellum journal, St. Petersburg, Russia


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How to Cite

Nefedkin, A. K. (2022). Hannibal Barca is a military theorist. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 49(1), 51-56. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0967-2022-49-1-51-56



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