Lycurgus: the life and work of an Athenian orator in the 4th cent. B.C. in tradition and Byzantine reception


  • Alexandra A. Logvinova Belgorod National Research University



Lycurgus of Athens, Photius of Constantinople, Myriobiblion codex 268, speech against Leocrates


The article deals with the Athenian statesman and orator Lycurgus c. 396–323 B. C., who for twelve years managed the finances of Athens. Lycurgus, whose special aim was to bring all embezzlers and traitors to justice, could not but be an orator. The ancients knew fifteen of his speeches, including two in defense of his financial policies. Only the speech against Leocrates, who fled after the Battle of Heron, has been preserved. For research, it is interesting that at one time he was an excellent manager and legislator. Lycurgus most fully expressed the traditional concepts and values of Athenian democracy, especially the belief in the need for Athens to rule over the Hellenic world and their right to do so. His services in arming and decorating the city are detailed in a popular decree of 307 BC. Under Lycurgus, a number of laws were issued regulating the financial side of religious festivals, in particular the law on the financing of the Small Panathenaic Games. Also interesting is the mention of Lycurgus in the «Myriobiblion» of Photius – Codex 268, which describes his life, gives an assessment of his activities.

Author Biography

Alexandra A. Logvinova, Belgorod National Research University

postgraduate Student, Department of World History, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Logvinova, A. A. (2022). Lycurgus: the life and work of an Athenian orator in the 4th cent. B.C. in tradition and Byzantine reception. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 49(1), 44-50.



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