Mechanisms and tools of humanitarian and cultural cooperation between Russia and the states in the post-Soviet space
world space, language, international activity, compatriots, cooperation, state, tension, education system, economics, scienceAbstract
The purpose of the article is to consider the influence of state and regional mechanisms on the development of international relations of the Russian Federation in the post-Soviet space. The author summarizes scientific approaches to understanding and application in the practical environment of state mechanisms in international activities. The author also determines their significance for the situation of modern Russia in the post-Soviet world. It is summarized that the strategic problem of conceptualizing the practical application of mechanisms and solutions at the international level is the lack of system and coordination in the activities of state departments, and their partnership with non-governmental analytical and expert institutions of the post-Soviet space. It is indicated that there is no sustained interest in the introduction of technologies and methods of public diplomacy in Russian foreign policy, which have proven themselves in foreign practice of international cooperation. The development of cooperation with non-governmental organizations and civil society institutions of the CIS countries, the promotion of network communications of cooperation in ensuring international humanitarian exchange are called priorities for the development and dissemination of positive sentiments in the post-Soviet space.
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