The legal status of the orthodox rural clergy in the period of «francocracy»



«frankokratia», Principality of Achaea, Latin Empire, Innocent III, Latina Patriarchate of Constantinople


The article is devoted to the consideration of the legal status of the Byzantine rural clergy in the period of «frankokratia». The author analyses the texts of the Greek version of the «Chronicle of Morea», the correspondence of Innocent III, the laws mentioned in «Assizes of Romania» and the inventories of Niccolo Acciaiuoli's income. Based on the materials of these historical sources he identifies the main features of the social position of the lower Rhomaioi priesthood after the fall of Constantinople in 1204. It is concluded that the local clergy under the rule of the Franks were not bounded to follow the rules of the celibate and retained the ability to have a family. Also Byzantine priests could transfer land allotments by inheritance, and all of them were completely removed from the jurisdiction of the Latin rulers. Moreover, they were officially equalized in rights with the Western clergymen.  At the same time, numerous Byzantine priests who remained on the lands of secular feudal lords did not have the opportunity to regulate relations with the secular authorities on the basis of any legal act, and were reduced to the level of «villans» solely on the basis of their residence on the lands of the Frankish knights. This is evidenced by the nature of the payments and duties imposed on them (servicium, debitum, «pro stasie» payments etc.), which are obligatory for the majority of the taxable rural population.


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How to Cite

The legal status of the orthodox rural clergy in the period of «francocracy». (2021). Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 48(4), 812-819.



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