The imperative of industrial development of the Russian Federation: the factor of industrial parks in the state policy of reindustrialization and new industrialization in the regions of the Central Federal District
regions of the Russian Federation, deindustrialization, state policy, development institutions, industrial (industrial) parks, reindustrialization, new industrializationAbstract
The article reveals the relationship between the need for accelerated industrial development of the Russian Federation and ensuring the national security of the country. At the same time, the driver of the state industrial policy is considered development institutions, including industrial (industrial) parks that contribute to the re-industrialization and new industrialization of Russian territories. Using the example of the macroregin of the Central Federal District, the authors proposed the author's typologies of the subjects of the Russian Federation according to the degree of industrial development and functioning industrial (industrial) parks in the territories. It was found that the presence of industrial parks, which are tools for implementing the strategic goals of industrial policy in 17 regions of the Central Federal District, affects a number of important trends. First, to suspend the process of deindustrialization in the depressed subjects of the Russian Federation. Secondly, the steady and consistent reindustrialization of the middle-class regions, manifested in the emergence of new industries and the modernization of old ones. Thirdly, to create a number of innovative industries within the framework of the fifth and sixth technological structures in the leading regions of the Central Federal District, indicating the implementation of the strategy of new industrialization.
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