
  • M.V. Os'kin Institute of Jurisprudence and Management of the All-Russian police association



Bessarabia region, harvest loaves, the supply front, Pallavaram, self-organization, the Commissioner of the Ministry of agriculture, the revolution of 1917


The food crisis before and after the February revolution of 1917 resulted in the partial isolation of Russian regions from each other. In the most difficult situation were the front-line provinces, forced to feed themselves and supply the front. The nearest region of the Romanian front was the grain-bearing province of Bessarabia, where preparations were made for the army and for the rear. As a result of the extreme concentration of procurement policy, the economic situation of Bessarabia only worsened, which was aggravated by the military procurement of food by the troops of the Romanian front. Besides, in 1917 purchases of food in Bessarabia were carried out also by the Romanian representatives compelled to feed not only armies, but also refugees. Priority supply of the front caused food difficulties in the cities of the region and a shortage of workers is not allowed to reach the prewar level of collection of breads. By the time of the October revolution, Bessarabia's resources were depleted, but the stocks in military warehouses allowed at the turn of 1917–1918. relatively successfully demobilize the Russian troops of the Romanian front.

Author Biography

M.V. Os'kin, Institute of Jurisprudence and Management of the All-Russian police association

Institute of Jurisprudence and Management of the All-Russian police association, 98, Boldina st, Tula, 300028, Russia


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How to Cite

Os’kin, M. (2020). BESSARABIA IN 1917: THE ECONOMIC SITUATION OF THE REAR OF THE ROMANIAN FRONT. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 47(1), 139-150.



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