Foreign policy of the Russian Federation beginning XXI century in the context of the theory of «Challenge-and-Response» by A.J. Toynbee


  • Maxim O. Vafin Far Eastern Home Ministry Law Institute of Russia



«challenge», «response», «creative minority», geopolitics, USA, Russian Federation, Russian civilization


Abstract. This article presents an analysis of the current geopolitical situation of the Russian Federation through the prism of the theory of «Challenge-and-Response» by A.J. Toynbee. This theory is one of the key ones in the philosophy of history, since it is aimed at substantiating the civilizational approach to the historical process. The article reveals the content of the categories «challenge», «response» and «creative minority». Specific historical examples are provided to detail these definitions. Currently, the key «challenge» for Russia is such situations that are determined by foreign policy conditions, due to the geopolitical ambitions and hegemonic views of Western countries, led by the United States. The USA is trying to take a leading position in world politics, and therefore it is trying to promote its interests anywhere in the world where it sees an opportunity to achieve them. The article highlights the main directions in which foreign policy «challenge» are formed, as well as the «response» to them that Russia gives. According to the author, the «response» formed by the Russian Federation are currently correct, worthy, demonstrating right to exist, correlated with the theory of A.J. Toynbee and able to ensure the continued existence of Russian civilization.


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Author Biography

Maxim O. Vafin, Far Eastern Home Ministry Law Institute of Russia

postgraduate student,
Khabarovsk, Russia


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Abstract views: 415




How to Cite

Vafin, M. O. (2021). Foreign policy of the Russian Federation beginning XXI century in the context of the theory of «Challenge-and-Response» by A.J. Toynbee. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 48(2), 477-485.



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