On the issue of approaches to the analysis and typology of Russian regional analytical structures (on the example of the Central Federal District)
analytical structures, analysis organizations, think tanks, expert community, Central Federal District, regional analysis organizationsAbstract
The article proposes the author's approach to the analysis and typology of analytical structures (analysis organizations). It will be especially useful in the study of such organizations in the regions. Criteria for a three-level approach to their differentiation are formulated, while think tanks are considered as the highest stage in the development of analytical structures. The authors propose to use the term «analysis organizations with some signs of “think tanks”». This is due to the fact that in the Russian regions today there are very few organizations which would fully meet all the criteria that apply to «think tanks». At the same time, a number of organizations meet several criteria of «think tanks». The analysis of such organizations makes the study more relevant. Also, as part of the study, a large-scale search for analytical structures in all regions of the Central Federal District (with the exception of Moscow) was carried out using various methods of monitoring open data. A number of examples of found organizations are given, their typology is carried out. Some reasons of limitations in the development of analytical structures in the regions of Russia are identified. The high level of theoretical and applied value of further scientific studies in this area is argued.
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