«Forced Migration» of Citizens of Opposing States at the Initial Stage of the First World War and its Reflection on the Pages of the Russian Periodicals


  • Elena V. Nikolaeva Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky




World War I, refugees, «forced migration», «German stranglehold», mobilization of internal resources


The so-called «German strangehold» in Russia during the First World War sparked a massive public outcry and served as the basis for legal restrictions on all subjects of the states waging war with Russia. The article examines the reasons for this phenomenon which was caused not only by a completely natural negative attitude towards the enemy opposing the Russian army, but also by attempts to create a kind of unity in the sphere of ethnic relations. The result was the emergence, along with the refugees, of «forced migrants», whose ranks consisted, among other things, of Russian citizens of German and Austrian origin, who had been living in Russia for many decades. The Russian authorities to some extent assessed the possible economic consequences of such measures, which took place on a massive scale, but, being under constant pressure from society and the army command, they had to take steps to introduce restrictive laws against «internal enemies».


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Author Biography

Elena V. Nikolaeva, Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky

Post-Graduate Student, National History Department, Head of International Relations and Cooperation Department,
Bryansk, Russia


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Телеграмма витебского губернатора М.В. Арцимовича генерал-майору свиты его величества А.А. Ресину о характеристике депортированных из Витебской губернии служащих немецкого происхождения. 1915. Сентябрь. Беларусь в годы Первой мировой войны (1914–1918): Сборник документов. Сост. В.В. Врублевский и др. Минск, Беларусь, 2014. 355.

Abstract views: 358




How to Cite

Nikolaeva, E. V. (2021). «Forced Migration» of Citizens of Opposing States at the Initial Stage of the First World War and its Reflection on the Pages of the Russian Periodicals . Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 48(2), 435-444. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0967-2021-48-2-435-444



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