«The land issue» in the Kuban region and the financial situation of the Cossacks at the end of the XIX century


  • Andrey V. Pakhomov Kuban State University of Technology




Cossacks, Kuban region, land, land share, estate, stratification, immigrants, nonresidents, duties, military property


The abolition of serfdom, the end of the long Caucasian War, and the intensive railway construction that connected the Kuban with other regions of the country, led not only to rapid economic development, but also to the mass resettlement of thousands of peasants. However, the development of capitalist relations in the Cossack villages, on the one hand, turned the Cossacks into land-owning «rentiers», and on the other hand, this factor, together with the Cossack duties, led to a socio-economic split of the Cossack community. The author pays special attention to the consideration of one of the main factors of the «land issue», which was fundamental in the social stratification of the Cossacks. The study of this problem and the study of the factors of socio-economic stratification of the Kuban Cossacks reveals the main reasons for the participation in the revolutionary movements of the early twentieth century. a significant part of the Cossacks.

Author Biography

Andrey V. Pakhomov, Kuban State University of Technology

post-graduate student of the Department of History, Philosophy and Psychology, Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports,
Krasnodar, Russia


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Abstract views: 364




How to Cite

Pakhomov, A. V. (2021). «The land issue» in the Kuban region and the financial situation of the Cossacks at the end of the XIX century. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 48(2), 424-434. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0967-2021-48-2-424-434



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