Palestinian struggle for independence in 1960–1980
Palestine, Israel, Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Palestinian movement for independenceAbstract
This article is dedicated to the Palestinian resistance movement for independence in the second half of the XX century. After the First Arab-Israeli War in 1947–1949 many Palestinians were scattered outside their homeland. In 1960‟s the Palestinian Liberation Organization emerged as a core stone of the independence movement. However, arm resistance led to Israeli crackdown. Perceiving that, Palestinians shifted focus to international sphere where they managed to achieve international support against Israel which positions were damaged. In order to put high pressure on Israelis, Palestinians approved the UN resolutions on the Middle East Peace Process and were ready to recognize Israel. Thus, one can deduce that Palestinian leaders were pragmatic enough to change their positions for the purpose of aspiring to their ends. The same goes with the Palestinian resistance movement ideology. It was changeable enough to fit the current state of affairs. Palestinians failed to beat Israel via arm resistance but they succeed to put enormous pressure on it by means of international support.
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