Female influence in Late Antique society according to Ammianus Marcellinus


  • Elizaveta V. Anokhina Belgorod National Research University
  • Elena A. Semicheva Belgorod National Research University




gender, femininity, influence, Late Antiquity, Ammianus Marcellinus


This work is devoted to the analysis of one of the gender problem in the «Res Gestae» by Ammianus Marcellinus, the largest late antique historian of the 2nd half of the 4th century A. D. Authors of this article concentrate on the main forms of female influence. The historical information and author‟s assessments give the possibility to illustrate both positive and negative models of interaction between women and men which were endowed with political power. The main types of influence exerted by women on males are highlighted. In accordance with them, the instruments of such influence have been established – emotional impact, relations of marital intimacy, family ties, and patronage and material resources. The authors come to the conclusion that the range of assessments of female influence given by Ammianus Marcellinus is quite wide and situational and correlates with gender perceptions and personal sympathies of the author, as well as his moral principles and the moralizing nature of the work in generally.


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Author Biographies

Elizaveta V. Anokhina, Belgorod National Research University

post-graduate student of the Department of General History,
Belgorod, Russia

Elena A. Semicheva, Belgorod National Research University

candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General History,
Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Anokhina, E. V., & Semicheva, E. A. (2021). Female influence in Late Antique society according to Ammianus Marcellinus. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 48(2), 290-298. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0967-2021-48-2-290-298



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