Croats in battles against Soviet troops near Kharkov in autumn 1941


  • Ljudmila Kh. Muromtseva Voronezh State Pedagogical University



Great Patriotic War, 369th reinforced Croatian regiment, Kharkov defensive operation 1941


One of the first military units formed in the Independent State of Croatia (existed during 1941–1945) was the 369th Reinforced Croatian Regiment. This volunteer unit was sent to the Eastern Front, where it became part of the 100th Light Infantry Division of the Vermacht. During October – early November 1941, Croatian legionnaires fought in the Kharkov direction against the 76th Mountain Rifle Division and other formations of the Soviet 38th Army. The fighting in the first half of October did not lead to a noticeable advance of the Croatian and German units, since the Soviet troops as a whole firmly held the defended line. Only after the directive of the Headquarters on the withdrawal of the troops of the Southwestern Front to the Seversky Donets line, the 38th Army began to withdraw, and the Germans and Croats proceeded to the pursuit operation. The fighting on the eastern bank of the Seversky Donets continued until the beginning of November 1941, after which both opposing sides went over to the defensive and Croatian units were withdrawn to the rear. Having suffered serious losses, Croatian servicemen, as testified by the testimony of defectors and prisoners, began to be disappointed in their choice and to lose faith in the victory of Nazi Germany.

Author Biography

Ljudmila Kh. Muromtseva, Voronezh State Pedagogical University

Voronezh, Russia


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How to Cite

Muromtseva, L. K. (2021). Croats in battles against Soviet troops near Kharkov in autumn 1941. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 48(1), 167-176.



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