The problem of social cohesion in the context of national strategies of climate change resistance
social policy, environmental protection, climate change, social cohesion, ecological safetyAbstract
The article deals with the role and contribution of the society in the implementation of strategies on climate change struggle based on the examples of Russian, British, and German (i.e. three greatest European economies) practices. A comparative analysis of the environmental activities of these countries reveals that the necessity for social cohesion around the problem of climate change is perceived in Great Britain and Germany. Meanwhile, in Russia, the problem is solved by the state single-handed. It is concluded that social and ecological agenda is an integral part of the modern political discourse, which contributes to the recognition of the urgency of this problem; climate change is a reason for developing a new social-economic policy of the countries that are aware of the climate change problem; global climate changes and natural disasters added to the eternal problem of social inequality a new aspect – the ecological one; the increase of social cohesion is to contribute to people’s adaptation to the changing environment, mutual aid in case of emergency, overcoming material and psychological risks connected with climate change; achieving cohesion is a pledge of sustainable and balanced development in the future.
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