Georgia today: current problems and new challenges in the system of Higher education
higher education system, education and science system, Bologna process, Tbilisi State University, Academy of Sciences, European Higher Education Quality Assurance Association (EQAR), voucher system, teaching staff, Azerbaijanis, national minoritiesAbstract
The article presents the history of the development, formation and existence of the higher education system of Georgia in the Soviet and modern periods. The task of the authors is to identify the main problems of the educational system, which, in the course of numerous improvements and changes, acquires new features, and to analyze the possible solutions presented in the form of national projects. The paper also discusses the goals and characteristics of the largest European organizations to create a single educational space, to ensure this process with quality, of which Georgia is a full participant. Particular attention is paid to I.A. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, as the only center of higher education of the Republic since 1918 and the Academy of Sciences, founded in 1941. We study the conditions for issuing consumer loans for students provided by the leaders of the country's financial sector – the Bank of Georgia and TBC Bank. In conclusion, it was concluded that low salaries for teachers and lecturers, the imperfections of the «Europeanized» educational policy, and difficulties in obtaining the quality education by the representatives of numerous indigenous peoples of Georgia, a weak material and technical base is only that small part of the “diagnoses” made to the current education and science system of the Republic.
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