Religious and diplomatic missions of the Byzantine Bishops in the Sassanian empire in the 5th–6Th centuries A. D.


  • Alexandr O. Kulikov N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod



Christianity, Orthodoxy, Church of the East, Sassanids, Byzantium, Roman Empire, history of diplomacy


This work studied religious missionary deeds of eastern Byzantine bishops on the territory of Sassanian Iran. Bishops played a significant role not only in the preaching of their religion, but also in politics, acting as a diplomatic force, forging dialogue between rival states. Bishops often acted as the leaders of the territories they represented, and in communication with the Sassanian shahs they sought to defend the interests of their lands and protect their flock. Byzantine bishops, while communicating with the bishops of the Church of the East, sought to impose their ideas about Christianity, which was especially clearly manifested at the Seleucia-Ctesiphon Council in 410, when the Nicene Creed was adopted and the differences in the canons was reduced. One of the goals of the religious missions of the bishops of the East-Roman (Mediterranean) world to the East was also the search and preservation of Christian relics, which, for example, was done by bishop Marutha of Martyropolis. In addition, the Syrian Christian elite brought with them books and ideas that influenced the Persian world. Thus, the trips of the Greek bishops to Sassanian Iran were a diverse and complex phenomenon associated not only with religion, but also with diplomacy and culture. The study of this issue allows us to better understand the phenomenon of religious migrations of the Greek Christian elite to other regions of the world, as well as the aspirations, needs and hopes of this East Roman Empire social group.


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Author Biography

Alexandr O. Kulikov, N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod

postgraduate student of the Department of Medieval Civilizations,
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Kulikov, A. O. (2021). Religious and diplomatic missions of the Byzantine Bishops in the Sassanian empire in the 5th–6Th centuries A. D. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 48(1), 55-64.



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