«Dies Rosarum» as an example of transformation of pagan festivals in early Byzantine Gaza


  • Marina Yu. Lopatina Belgorod National Research University




Procopius of Gaza, dies rosarum, festival, agapa, Maiumas, Rosalia


This article analyses the dies rosarum Festival, which took place annually in Gaza of Palestine. The declamations of Procopius of Gaza are chosen as the main historical sources. The holiday is also mentioned in the writings of John of Gaza and George Grammaticus. The dies rosarum combined a pagan festival «maiuma», that was open to the secular public, and a celebration in honor of martyrs, accompanied by the religious rites. During this holiday (dies rosarum) competitions of oratory skills were held, as well as pantomimic performances, which in most explain the purpose and style of Procopius’s presentation of his declamations. Moreover, the researchers’ assumption of Eros as a pre-configuration of the Christian agape is considered based on the rhetorician’s references to Plato. The works of Procopius of Gaza as partly of other representatives of the Gaza school, make it possible to reconstruct the existence of a number of phenomena that can serve as an example of early Byzantine cultural synthesis, which absorbed both ancient and Christian features.

Author Biography

Marina Yu. Lopatina, Belgorod National Research University

postgraduate of the Department of general history,
Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Lopatina, M. Y. (2021). «Dies Rosarum» as an example of transformation of pagan festivals in early Byzantine Gaza. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 48(1), 36-47. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0967-2021-48-1-36-47



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