On the concept of political reality
reality, fact, statement, picture, potentially true pictureAbstract
The article attempts to formulate a definition of the concept of political reality. In his earlier publications, the author has already addressed this issue. Then he believed that political reality cannot and should not be identified with political facts. Rather, it serves as their basis, gives rise to them, manifests itself through them. Although, from the author’s point of view, such an idea of political reality (and, probably, reality in general) is quite adequate, he cannot but admit that its complexity and even sophistication are superfluous for solving those problems which political science usually deal with. On the contrary, the definition, which is based on the identification of political reality as facts, seems to be quite sufficient. However, subject to some correction. Such an adjusted definition of political reality can look as follows. Political reality is a set of political facts that corresponds to a potentially true picture. A picture is a set of statements regarding a certain political event, character, etc. The statement is true if the fact, expressed in it, takes place, false – if it doesn’t. The picture is true if statements, which constitute it, are true. New facts discovered or deduced may lead to a rearrangement of a picture. Since facts cannot run out in principle, a picture can potentially be rearranged infinitely. Since it is never possible to be sure that certain facts took/take place, the truth of any picture is only possible, that is, potential. That’s why the definition above speaks about a potentially true but not just true picture.
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