Editorial Team

Editor-in-Chief of the Series
O.N. Poluhin, professor of the department of social technologies and public service, doctor of political sciences, professor (Belgorod National Research University)

Commissioning Editor

V.A. Shapovalov, vice-rector on quality and supplementary education, doctor of historical sciences, professor (Belgorod National Research University)
Deputies of Editor-in-Chief:

E.V. Litovchenko, world history department chair, doctor of historical sciences, professor (Belgorod National Research University)

I.T. Shatohin, professor of the russian history and records management department, candidate of historical sciences, professor (Belgorod National Research University)

L.S. Polovneva, associate professor of the russian history and records management department, candidate of political sciences (Belgorod National Research University)

Editorial Assistant

I.G. Galushko, associate professor of the russian history and records management department, candidate of historical sciences (Belgorod National Research University)

Members of Editorial Board:

M.G. Abramzon, doctor of historical sciences, professor (Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University)
A.Zh. Arutyunyan, doctor of historical sciences, professor (Yerevan State University, Armenia)

S. Atlagich, doctor of political sciences (Belgrade State University, Serbia)

I.Yu. Vashcheva, doctor of historical sciences, associate professor, professor (Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky,Russia)

A.V. Glukhova, doctor of political sciences, professor (Voronezh State University)

A.V. Golovnev, doctor of historical sciences; corresponding member of Russian Academy of sciences; Director of the Museum of anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great (Kunstkammer) Russian Academy of Sciences

G.D Gumba, doctor of historical sciences, associate professor (Abkhaz State University, Republic of Abkhazia)

M. Kazanski, PhD in history (Center for History and Civilization of Byzantium, Paris, France)

A.V. Korobkov, PhD in political science (Middle Tennessee State University, the USA)

K.N. Lobanov, doctor of political sciences, associate professor (Belgorod Juridical Institute of Ministry of Home Affairs of Russia)

V.M. Marasanova, doctor of historical sciences, professor (Yaroslavl state University after. P.G. Demidova)

V.A. Perepelitsyn, doctor of historical sciences, professor (Voronezh State Pedagogical University)

I.M. Pushkareva, doctor of historical sciences, leading scientific worker (Institute of Russian History of Russian Academy of Sciences)